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Autumn Term Leap into Learning Day


This term, out topic is Pole to Pole and for our topic launch day, Year 1 learners dressed up as Arctic explorers and Arctic animals.  


We helped to melt the ice to set the animals free and used thermometers to read the temperature. 


We also designed and created a shelter for our Lego explorer.  We all had a great day!



We have been learning about Arctic animals and created some amazing clay penguins. 


In Year 1, we have been learning about the weather. We worked together to act out weather forecasts using our map of the British Isles and the different weather symbols. 

We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes in Year 1.  We have been looking at their properties and have used shapes to make our own repeating patterns. 

London's Burning


During the Spring Term, Year 1 are learning all about 'The Great Fire of London' and our topic is called 'London's Burning'.  

During our topic launch day, we dressed as firefighters, bakers and children of the era.
We made our own bread and all had a go at mixing and kneading the dough.  Once baked, we tasted the bread - it was delicious!  We then tasted different types of bread - giraffe, cheese topped, bagel and pain au chocolat.  We used our British Values to vote for our favourite which was the pain au chocolat.  
Next, we sponge painted the smokey background for our wall display using different shades of grey.  We also made Tudor houses and wrote adjectives on flame shaped paper that look wonderful on display.  We all enjoyed our day!

World Book Day 2019


For World Book Day, Year 1 focused on the author Roald Dahl.  We dressed up as characters from the Roald Dahl stories - including Willy Wonka; The BFG;  Matilda; Violet and Charlie. 


We had a great day making a marvellous medicine, like George's and then we wrote strange ingredients for our own medicine.  Then we measured items around the classroom with chocolate and sweets and even got to eat some! 


In the afternoon, we used our creative skills to make our own dream catchers. 


We had a wonderful day.


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