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Bug Club



At Squirrel Hayes First School we subscribe to an online book resource by Pearson Education and the books are part of Bug Club.  These books are a mixture of fiction and non fiction and are leveled to suit children’s needs.  We use the books mainly for guided reading sessions where the children can access books at their level.


As well as accessing these books in school, they can also be accessed at home if you have an Internet connection.  To access these books you need to go on to the Internet to and once there input the user name and password (which your child’s teacher has provided you with) along with the school ID capr.


The children can set up their own home page and read the books that have been allocated to them by their class teacher.  The ingenious art is that the class teacher can track what book your child is accessing, how well they are answering the quiz questions and when they need more titles to read!

If you have access to the Internet please take the time to use this resource as the books are fabulous.  Reading with your child is one of the most important things you can do to help them with their education.


If you would like to use this online resource but do not currently have access to the Internet at home, please call into the school office to discuss arranging a time to use the school library computers after school.


Please let your child’s class teacher know if you have any problems logging onto Bug Club 

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