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EYFS 2018-2019

Class Rules


In our first weeks at school we learnt all the class rules:-



         'Kind Hands'                        'Tune In'            'Good Listening'



                          'Good Sharing'             'Good Sitting'                    'Hands Up'

French Day


We tasted different French food and compared them to food we usually eat! 

We voted for our favourite food!

We built the Eiffel tower using different resources!


Leap into Learning Topic Day 


"We made repeating pattern snake fruit kebabs! We made rain makers and decorated them! We had to count how many jungle animals we could find outside"


Leap into Learning Topic Day - If you go down to the woods today!


"We had a lovely picnic dressed as bears with our favourite teddy!   

We made delicious teddy bear toast!   

We went on a clue hunt to find Miss Ratcliffe's missing bear!"


Diwali Day 2018

"We role played the story of Rama and Sita! We tasted different Indian foods! We made Diva tea lights using clay! We made a whole class Rangoli pattern!"

A Crazy Christmas Concert





We loved looking at what had happened to our environment and how it had changed, we talked about seasons and weather, we used describing words to describe the snow and we had fun building a snowman.


World Book Day 2019

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